Deut. 18:15 - "'The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen (brothers), you shall listen to him.'"
There are many denominations whose theological beliefs say that there are no prophets today. Prophets, in the old testament were the carriers of the message and truth of God. They brought encouragement and warning and revealed things that only God could see. I struggle with that belief; that there are no prophets today, because there are many who God has given prophetic gifts to. These are people who bring Biblical encouragement. They speak out Kingdom truth as it relates to a situation (again, Biblically based) and they can speak out things about yourself that only that person and God would know, because God told them. We need prophets today. Often times we get so wrapped up into a situation that we don't take time or are too stressed to quiet our hearts, so as to hear God's voice speaking into the situation. Sometimes have never stepped into Kingdom presence here on earth, so then we miss seeing things we ought to see and hearing things we ought to hear and believing things we ought to believe (because we are believing other voices instead). God sends us kinsmen, friends and members of the spiritual family, who are living in Kingdom presence, to reveal to us God's heart, eyes and voice into the situations of our lives. I know I've been encouraged by many of those people. God will reveal to you and even send you prophets who are near you. Ask Him today, you never know, He just might put those prophetic gifts inside you so that you can be an encouragement to others.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
Promise 62 from Deuteronomy: 18:12-13
Deut. 18:12-13 - "'For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord; and because of these detestable things, the Lord your God will drive them out before you. You shall be blameless (or have integrity) before the Lord you God.'"
The Lord is very clear about his thoughts toward any type of sorcery or witchcraft. It is "detestable" to Him. Because of this, He wont even allow His people to be bothered by them. He will just remove them or their power from touching His people, nor even be tempted by it. The Lord, Himself goes to bat for the integrity of His people so that they are not defiled by such devilish acts. This is an area we don't have to worry about. He has our backs on this one. We just need to be just as disgusted by it as He is.
The Lord is very clear about his thoughts toward any type of sorcery or witchcraft. It is "detestable" to Him. Because of this, He wont even allow His people to be bothered by them. He will just remove them or their power from touching His people, nor even be tempted by it. The Lord, Himself goes to bat for the integrity of His people so that they are not defiled by such devilish acts. This is an area we don't have to worry about. He has our backs on this one. We just need to be just as disgusted by it as He is.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Promise 61 from Deuteronomy: 18:2
Deut. 18:2 - "'They (the Levitical priests) shall have no inheritance among their countrymen; the Lord is their inheritance, as He promised them.'"
As a single missionary with no children, I think often about what I could possible leave as a legacy and to whom? I have no estate and no offspring to leave it to, if I had one. I don't have much to leave behind, but I do have a grand inheritance to receive. I'm not talking about the furniture I'll receive from my dad's estate, but a whole kingdom of riches from my Heavenly Father's estate. The Lord, Himself is my inheritance! If I receive my inheritance today (which I have), then I will indeed not only have something grand to leave behind, but even more, to take with me and accumulate after I leave. There is nothing more valuable and more precious than having all the riches of the Heavenly Kingdom as a possession, and nothing more honourable than to pass that inheritance on to others. I am willing to give my inheritance to any and all, but what I don't know is; how many are willing to receive it? The Lord is my inheritance, that is my promise from Him!
As a single missionary with no children, I think often about what I could possible leave as a legacy and to whom? I have no estate and no offspring to leave it to, if I had one. I don't have much to leave behind, but I do have a grand inheritance to receive. I'm not talking about the furniture I'll receive from my dad's estate, but a whole kingdom of riches from my Heavenly Father's estate. The Lord, Himself is my inheritance! If I receive my inheritance today (which I have), then I will indeed not only have something grand to leave behind, but even more, to take with me and accumulate after I leave. There is nothing more valuable and more precious than having all the riches of the Heavenly Kingdom as a possession, and nothing more honourable than to pass that inheritance on to others. I am willing to give my inheritance to any and all, but what I don't know is; how many are willing to receive it? The Lord is my inheritance, that is my promise from Him!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Promise 60 from Deuteronomy: 17:18-19
Deut. 17:18-19 - "'Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. It shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, by carefully observing all the words of this law and these statutes.'"
What does an "ideal" king, or country leader look like? Moses describes that king: vs. 15 - he should be a king that God chooses, he needs to be a countryman (not a foreigner); vs. 16 - he should not multiply horses for himself; vs 17- he shall not multiply wives for himself, he shall not increase sliver or gold for himself; vs. 18 - he shall write for himself a copy of the law on a scroll in the presence of Levitical priests; vs. 19 - he shall read it daily. Why should he do this? "So that he may learn to fear the Lord his God." and verse 20 continues by saying, "That his heart may not be lifted up above his countryman and that he not turn aside from the commandment." And in this "he and his sons will continue long in the kingdom." We have the practical guidelines given here. In each instruction it draws the king's attention from raising him self above anyone and totally keeping his attention on God and the law. In doing this he maintains a fear or reverence for God. The blessing in promise is long life and favour among God and the people. Jesus set such a great example of this as He came so humbly as a babe and walked with no regard for earthly gain, yet in the end, he gained the world, should they yield themselves to Him. As those adopted into the kingdom of God, we have a mandate as royals, as leaders, to put on the Christ-like mantle of leadership, to humble ourselves so that our focus remains on Him and so that we do not put ourselves above others. We too then, will live long in the kingdom.
What does an "ideal" king, or country leader look like? Moses describes that king: vs. 15 - he should be a king that God chooses, he needs to be a countryman (not a foreigner); vs. 16 - he should not multiply horses for himself; vs 17- he shall not multiply wives for himself, he shall not increase sliver or gold for himself; vs. 18 - he shall write for himself a copy of the law on a scroll in the presence of Levitical priests; vs. 19 - he shall read it daily. Why should he do this? "So that he may learn to fear the Lord his God." and verse 20 continues by saying, "That his heart may not be lifted up above his countryman and that he not turn aside from the commandment." And in this "he and his sons will continue long in the kingdom." We have the practical guidelines given here. In each instruction it draws the king's attention from raising him self above anyone and totally keeping his attention on God and the law. In doing this he maintains a fear or reverence for God. The blessing in promise is long life and favour among God and the people. Jesus set such a great example of this as He came so humbly as a babe and walked with no regard for earthly gain, yet in the end, he gained the world, should they yield themselves to Him. As those adopted into the kingdom of God, we have a mandate as royals, as leaders, to put on the Christ-like mantle of leadership, to humble ourselves so that our focus remains on Him and so that we do not put ourselves above others. We too then, will live long in the kingdom.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Promise 59 from Deuteronomy: 16:20
Deut. 16:20 - "'Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue, that you may live and possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you.'"
There is a pattern seen here; "That you may live and possess the land." We are seeing that there are rules and regulations that must be adhered to in order for the Israelites to experience the blessing of "full living" and "peaceful possession" of the land. In this verse, they must live justly in the land. They are not to "distort justice or take bribes or be partial," according to verse 19. In other words, they shall not be corrupt or allow anyone to corrupt them. When they stand firm on what is right in the eyes of the Lord, if they treat all as equals and defend the defenceless, God will bless them in that land. If you think about what the heart goes through when one is trying to cheat another, to get revenge, or to cause another to fail, you see a heart that is motivated out of self-ambition, jealousy, anger, envy, and the eyes are totally focused on "self". That is what God is trying to warn his people against. He doesn't want them to become selfish and so self-absorbed on what they can get and how they can better themselves that they forget who He is. I believe there are many societies in this world who have forgotten who God is. Politicians rule out of fear and selfish gain, if not for themselves, for their own political party. They have forgotten what it means to look up and to see who God is, therefore, they are not experiencing the promised blessing of the fullness of life and peaceful possession of their land. "Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right (just), whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think (dwell) on these things. (Phil. 4:8)" Are we doing this? As a nation, I think not. Look at the blessing we miss out corporately. But I do believe, individually we must strive for "just" living, and when we do, He blesses us.
There is a pattern seen here; "That you may live and possess the land." We are seeing that there are rules and regulations that must be adhered to in order for the Israelites to experience the blessing of "full living" and "peaceful possession" of the land. In this verse, they must live justly in the land. They are not to "distort justice or take bribes or be partial," according to verse 19. In other words, they shall not be corrupt or allow anyone to corrupt them. When they stand firm on what is right in the eyes of the Lord, if they treat all as equals and defend the defenceless, God will bless them in that land. If you think about what the heart goes through when one is trying to cheat another, to get revenge, or to cause another to fail, you see a heart that is motivated out of self-ambition, jealousy, anger, envy, and the eyes are totally focused on "self". That is what God is trying to warn his people against. He doesn't want them to become selfish and so self-absorbed on what they can get and how they can better themselves that they forget who He is. I believe there are many societies in this world who have forgotten who God is. Politicians rule out of fear and selfish gain, if not for themselves, for their own political party. They have forgotten what it means to look up and to see who God is, therefore, they are not experiencing the promised blessing of the fullness of life and peaceful possession of their land. "Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right (just), whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think (dwell) on these things. (Phil. 4:8)" Are we doing this? As a nation, I think not. Look at the blessing we miss out corporately. But I do believe, individually we must strive for "just" living, and when we do, He blesses us.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Promise 58 from Deuteronomy: 16:15
Deut. 16:15 - "'Seven days you shall celebrate a feast to the Lord your God in the place which the Lord chooses, because the Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that you will be altogether joyful.'"
The Lord delights to se His people joyful! The Israelites were told to plan a big party into their schedules because God was going to bless them. Instead of setting out to do their work in hopes of success, they already knew they were going to be successful, their crops would be plentiful and their herds will be large enough to have plenty to sacrifice, yet provide for their families. What if we too approached our work with expectations of success and not failure? What if we automatically planned in celebrations of success even before we laid a hand on the plough, in anticipation of God's blessings? God desires to bless us so that we will be joyful. Let's schedule in a joyous celebration in anticipation of God's blessing. He already promised that of His people, why not grasp ahold of it now?
The Lord delights to se His people joyful! The Israelites were told to plan a big party into their schedules because God was going to bless them. Instead of setting out to do their work in hopes of success, they already knew they were going to be successful, their crops would be plentiful and their herds will be large enough to have plenty to sacrifice, yet provide for their families. What if we too approached our work with expectations of success and not failure? What if we automatically planned in celebrations of success even before we laid a hand on the plough, in anticipation of God's blessings? God desires to bless us so that we will be joyful. Let's schedule in a joyous celebration in anticipation of God's blessing. He already promised that of His people, why not grasp ahold of it now?
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Promise 57 from Deuteronomy: 15:18
Deut. 15:18 - "'It shall not seem hard to you when you set him free, for he has given you six years with double the service of a hired man; so the Lord your God will bless you in whatever you do.'"
Some times we fall into a trap of thinking that God only has one way or answer for us for each decision that needs to be made. In this passage Moses is teaching the law on the sabbatical year. "If you purchase a kinsman as a slave, then on the 7th year, you set him/or her free. But if you all get along nicely and the slave doesn't want to leave then you have the choice to take him or her into your household to serve you forever, "You can keep them or let them go, the Lord will bless you in whatever you decide." Because the Lord knows us, if we are trustworthy, He will trust us and bless us with whatever decisions we make in life. Often times He throws many options out there and says, "Here, help yourself!" God is not a Dictator God, He is loving and compassionate and trusts those who love and honour Him. He will bless the choices we make, we can't go wrong.
Some times we fall into a trap of thinking that God only has one way or answer for us for each decision that needs to be made. In this passage Moses is teaching the law on the sabbatical year. "If you purchase a kinsman as a slave, then on the 7th year, you set him/or her free. But if you all get along nicely and the slave doesn't want to leave then you have the choice to take him or her into your household to serve you forever, "You can keep them or let them go, the Lord will bless you in whatever you decide." Because the Lord knows us, if we are trustworthy, He will trust us and bless us with whatever decisions we make in life. Often times He throws many options out there and says, "Here, help yourself!" God is not a Dictator God, He is loving and compassionate and trusts those who love and honour Him. He will bless the choices we make, we can't go wrong.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Promise 56 from Deuteronomy: 15:10
Deut. 15:10 - "'You shall generously give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing, the Lord your god will bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings.'"
This verse is speaking about giving to a brother in need. The thing that sticks out to me in this verse is that it doesn't address the motivation or condition of the heart of the one in need, but of the heart of the one who is to give. There are many fine books out there that caution people to not be enablers for the poor, in other words, don't give so much so as to cause a dependent lifestyle on others. I know I question the motivation of those who beg: Are they lying to me? Are they just wanting drugs or alcohol? Have they chosen begging as their career? I don't want to give to one who lies to me about what they want the money for, or if a family member has a gambling addiction or has made poor choices in overspending. Out of distrust, or fear, we don't want to give to that brother or sister in need. But God doesn't put conditions on our giving, He says, 'give to him generously and don't be grieved in your heart.' The Lord delights in this, He promises to bless us in all we do as a result. We need to leave the motivation and condition of the heart to God and be responsible for our own.
This verse is speaking about giving to a brother in need. The thing that sticks out to me in this verse is that it doesn't address the motivation or condition of the heart of the one in need, but of the heart of the one who is to give. There are many fine books out there that caution people to not be enablers for the poor, in other words, don't give so much so as to cause a dependent lifestyle on others. I know I question the motivation of those who beg: Are they lying to me? Are they just wanting drugs or alcohol? Have they chosen begging as their career? I don't want to give to one who lies to me about what they want the money for, or if a family member has a gambling addiction or has made poor choices in overspending. Out of distrust, or fear, we don't want to give to that brother or sister in need. But God doesn't put conditions on our giving, He says, 'give to him generously and don't be grieved in your heart.' The Lord delights in this, He promises to bless us in all we do as a result. We need to leave the motivation and condition of the heart to God and be responsible for our own.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Promise 55 from Deuteronomy: 15:6
Deut. 15:6 - "'For the Lord your God will bless you as He has promised you, and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.'"
I think of the trillions of dollars of debt our country has because of the poor choices that our country's leaders have made and it saddens me. At one time, it was evident to see God's blessings over our country, but those were times when our leaders actually feared God and looked to Him for wisdom. Of course there are still God's blessings that flow throughout our land, but I just wonder how long He will tolerate the continued decisions that are made with no regard for Him. In order to get out of debt as a nation, we will have to depend on others, such as Japan or China. Maybe a good dose of humility is just what our nation needs. But to what cost? It just seems it would be so much easier to turn to God once again. He will bless us with the answers and bring us out of debt and into honour once again.
I think of the trillions of dollars of debt our country has because of the poor choices that our country's leaders have made and it saddens me. At one time, it was evident to see God's blessings over our country, but those were times when our leaders actually feared God and looked to Him for wisdom. Of course there are still God's blessings that flow throughout our land, but I just wonder how long He will tolerate the continued decisions that are made with no regard for Him. In order to get out of debt as a nation, we will have to depend on others, such as Japan or China. Maybe a good dose of humility is just what our nation needs. But to what cost? It just seems it would be so much easier to turn to God once again. He will bless us with the answers and bring us out of debt and into honour once again.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Promise 54 from Deuteronomy: 15:4-5
Deut. 15:4-5 - "' However there will be no poor among you, since the Lord will surely bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance to possess, if only you listen obediently to the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all this commandment which I am commanding you today.'"
Oh, there are so many blessings we are missing out on as a society just because of either a lack of obedience to God or a lack of listening for God's voice. These two verses come after a command to forgive your debtors after 7 years. Who in this world does that? People hold onto debtors so closely until every penny is paid back, but not just those who owe financially, what about those who have caused offence? People will hold onto grudges for years and years, for some, way past seven years. Imagine what it would be like if we actually wrote off debt both financially and emotionally, forgiving both? Can you imagine the peace that would bring? Those who borrowed would be able to move forward and prosper, those who lent would have a peaceful mind and each offender and offended can go peacefully on their way. Not only will there not be poor among us materially but there wont be the poor attitudes of unforgiveness and bitterness in our hearts. This is God's promise, He will bless our land and there will be no poor among us, IF we are obedient to forgive others as He has forgiven us.
Oh, there are so many blessings we are missing out on as a society just because of either a lack of obedience to God or a lack of listening for God's voice. These two verses come after a command to forgive your debtors after 7 years. Who in this world does that? People hold onto debtors so closely until every penny is paid back, but not just those who owe financially, what about those who have caused offence? People will hold onto grudges for years and years, for some, way past seven years. Imagine what it would be like if we actually wrote off debt both financially and emotionally, forgiving both? Can you imagine the peace that would bring? Those who borrowed would be able to move forward and prosper, those who lent would have a peaceful mind and each offender and offended can go peacefully on their way. Not only will there not be poor among us materially but there wont be the poor attitudes of unforgiveness and bitterness in our hearts. This is God's promise, He will bless our land and there will be no poor among us, IF we are obedient to forgive others as He has forgiven us.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Promise 53 from Deuteronomy: 14:29
Deut. 14:29 - "'The Levite because he has no portion or inheritance among you, and the alien, the orphan and the widow who are in your town, shall come and eat and be satisfied, in order that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do.'"
Is it possible that we might be missing out on a blessing from God when we justify reasons for NOT giving to the poor, or think of the widows and orphans? I think the answer is "yes". We often times do not give out of fear of not having enough for our own children or think we might be "enabling dependency". However, God is very clear, in many passages of scripture, that we are to give to the poor, take care of the widows, orphans and foreigners in our land. I believe if all followers of Jesus really took this to heart, we would see greater prosperity in our land, in our schools, our health facilities and business', taxes would be lowered, people would be more content and happy in what they do because we would have the assurance of God's promise of blessings.
P.S. I realise that we live in a world where people manipulate the system for their own personal gain, and people who make soaking off of social services a career choice are in-numerous. This is why, we must, before we give, pray for that confirmation from the Lord and find out first if these people do fit that category of widow, orphan and foreigner, those who are in positions who truly can not help themselves. Maybe to help them is to give them a plot of land, a small place to live and a shovel of seeds. Maybe it is to give them a sewing machine and teach them to sow, or pay for a mechanics course and food and shelter in the meantime. There are many ways we can "feed" the poor. We want these people to feel "satisfied" in their own skin, usually that means, that have enough resources to help themselves and others. That means that they are healthy spiritually, physically, emotionally and socially. This is how they can be satisfied and taken care of.
Is it possible that we might be missing out on a blessing from God when we justify reasons for NOT giving to the poor, or think of the widows and orphans? I think the answer is "yes". We often times do not give out of fear of not having enough for our own children or think we might be "enabling dependency". However, God is very clear, in many passages of scripture, that we are to give to the poor, take care of the widows, orphans and foreigners in our land. I believe if all followers of Jesus really took this to heart, we would see greater prosperity in our land, in our schools, our health facilities and business', taxes would be lowered, people would be more content and happy in what they do because we would have the assurance of God's promise of blessings.
P.S. I realise that we live in a world where people manipulate the system for their own personal gain, and people who make soaking off of social services a career choice are in-numerous. This is why, we must, before we give, pray for that confirmation from the Lord and find out first if these people do fit that category of widow, orphan and foreigner, those who are in positions who truly can not help themselves. Maybe to help them is to give them a plot of land, a small place to live and a shovel of seeds. Maybe it is to give them a sewing machine and teach them to sow, or pay for a mechanics course and food and shelter in the meantime. There are many ways we can "feed" the poor. We want these people to feel "satisfied" in their own skin, usually that means, that have enough resources to help themselves and others. That means that they are healthy spiritually, physically, emotionally and socially. This is how they can be satisfied and taken care of.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Promise 52 from Deuteronomy: 14:24-26
Deut. 14:24-26 - "'If the distance is so great for you that you are not able to bring the tithe, since the place where the Lord your God chooses to set His name is too far away for you when the Lord your God blesses, then you shall exchange it for money, and bind the money in your hand and go to the place which the Lord your God chooses. You may spend the money for whatever your heart desires: for oxen, or sheep, or wine, or strong drink, or whatever your heart desires; and there you shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household.'"
When God blesses us with a great harvest, whatever it be, on the farm or in the office or a service job, we are to tithe off of that blessing into the place where God chooses to establish His name. Tithing is not a chore or a terrible obligation that is meant to make us feel guilty if we don't. God blesses us, and then with that blessing says, "Take a portion of that blessing and spend it on whatever you like in the place that I'm investing in." He calls us to go into investment partnership, into a place. Then He says, now, "Spend it on anything you would like, anything you desire, Have a bottle of wine on Me!" Enjoy yourself, rejoice and be glad! It is FUN to partner with God in the areas of His choosing and delight. He promises us the blessing of the tithe an the joy in investing it.
When God blesses us with a great harvest, whatever it be, on the farm or in the office or a service job, we are to tithe off of that blessing into the place where God chooses to establish His name. Tithing is not a chore or a terrible obligation that is meant to make us feel guilty if we don't. God blesses us, and then with that blessing says, "Take a portion of that blessing and spend it on whatever you like in the place that I'm investing in." He calls us to go into investment partnership, into a place. Then He says, now, "Spend it on anything you would like, anything you desire, Have a bottle of wine on Me!" Enjoy yourself, rejoice and be glad! It is FUN to partner with God in the areas of His choosing and delight. He promises us the blessing of the tithe an the joy in investing it.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Promise 51 from Deuteronomy: 14:23
Deut. 14:23 - "'You shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God, at the place where He chooses to establish His name, the tithe of your grain, your new wine, your oil, and the first born of your heard and your flock, so that you may learn to fear the Lord God always.'"
Growing up, as my brothers and I sat around the supper table, our prayer before the meal was always, "God is good, God is great, let us thank you for our food, AMEN!" It is common to give thanks for our food before we eat it, but I've not thought much about the location of where I eat food. There have been many times I've eaten in the car, out on the patio, in front of the computer or TV, or in various restaurants. This verse sheds light on the significance of place where food is eaten, not only are we to eat in His presence, but in the place He chooses to establish His name. The promise I saw in this verse is that He chooses the place to establish His name, it is all about Him. We can't go into a place on our own and then pray Him in there, but it is He who does His work in preparing a place for us. Then, regarding food, I'm challenged then to accept those invites by friends who don't know Him, to enter there homes for a meal and pray that while there He will be established in their home. I figure if they have already extended the invite to their home, then God is already at work to establish His name there., and He desires this so that those who reside in that place or who are at the place I eat, will learn to fear/revere Him.
Growing up, as my brothers and I sat around the supper table, our prayer before the meal was always, "God is good, God is great, let us thank you for our food, AMEN!" It is common to give thanks for our food before we eat it, but I've not thought much about the location of where I eat food. There have been many times I've eaten in the car, out on the patio, in front of the computer or TV, or in various restaurants. This verse sheds light on the significance of place where food is eaten, not only are we to eat in His presence, but in the place He chooses to establish His name. The promise I saw in this verse is that He chooses the place to establish His name, it is all about Him. We can't go into a place on our own and then pray Him in there, but it is He who does His work in preparing a place for us. Then, regarding food, I'm challenged then to accept those invites by friends who don't know Him, to enter there homes for a meal and pray that while there He will be established in their home. I figure if they have already extended the invite to their home, then God is already at work to establish His name there., and He desires this so that those who reside in that place or who are at the place I eat, will learn to fear/revere Him.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Promise 50 from Deuteronomy 14:2
Deut. 14:2 - "'For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all peoples who are on the face of the earth.'"
It just never gets old to me when I read "The Lord has chosen you!" Not only has He chosen us, but has chosen us out of all the people's on the earth. He saw something in you and in me that was different from any others. He saw the holiness that resides in us. A lot of people believe that holiness only belongs to God, God was specific through Moses, identifying His people as "holy" people. He put holiness, righteousness, purity in us; that is our make-up as He designed us. Most people can't see that in themselves, nor feel as though it is possible on this side of heaven to be "holy". Kingdom truth is opposite what the world tells us. The enemy tries to strip us of our identity as beloved and holy sons and daughters. his work causes people to think that they don't deserve a label of "holiness" as they engage in unholy activities,. But holiness is the stamp God put on us in who we "are", not in what we "do." The Holy Spirit's work in us, helps us strip away or peel back the unholy acts that we do so that the real holy us may be revealed. We are a holy people for whom God chose as His own.
It just never gets old to me when I read "The Lord has chosen you!" Not only has He chosen us, but has chosen us out of all the people's on the earth. He saw something in you and in me that was different from any others. He saw the holiness that resides in us. A lot of people believe that holiness only belongs to God, God was specific through Moses, identifying His people as "holy" people. He put holiness, righteousness, purity in us; that is our make-up as He designed us. Most people can't see that in themselves, nor feel as though it is possible on this side of heaven to be "holy". Kingdom truth is opposite what the world tells us. The enemy tries to strip us of our identity as beloved and holy sons and daughters. his work causes people to think that they don't deserve a label of "holiness" as they engage in unholy activities,. But holiness is the stamp God put on us in who we "are", not in what we "do." The Holy Spirit's work in us, helps us strip away or peel back the unholy acts that we do so that the real holy us may be revealed. We are a holy people for whom God chose as His own.
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