Thursday, October 28, 2010
Promise 92 Gen. 40:8
Gen. 40:8 - "Then they said to him, 'We have had a dream and there is no one to interpret it.' Then Joseph said to them, 'Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell it to me please.'" Dreams are such random things, some are so bizarre and others are ones that you just never want to wake up from. God created us to dream. I don't know why, I don't know what purpose they serve, but I do know that God can give meaning to them. Friends have said it would be good to write down my dreams and see what God says about it. Maybe I'll begin that sometime and see what plans God wants to reveal to me through them.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Promise 91 Gen. 39:21,23
Gen. 39:21,13 - "But the Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him, and gave him favour in the sight of the chief jailer.... The chief jailer did not supervise anything under Joseph's charge because the Lord was with him; and whatever he did, the Lord made to prosper." Joseph was put in jail as an innocent man. Even though it looked like a terrible thing for Joseph, God still showed him that He was with him by granting favour in the eyes of the jailer. God just moved Joseph on closer to the bigger blessing that He wants to give him. The scripture doesn't say if Joseph held a grudge or was angry at the Potipher's wife for what she did, but we do know that there was no offence in the eyes of God, which I'm going to suggest that, because Joseph knew God was with Him, he held no offence against the woman, therefore none against God, and God blessed him. God is a just God, He will act on our behalf and will work in the hearts of those around us, just to remind us He is with us.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Promise 90 Gen. 39:9
Gen. 39:9 - "There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has witheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?" Joseph began this sentence talking about Potiphar and how Potiphar has withheld nothing from him but he doesn't end it asking how he could possibly sin against Potiphar but against God. Any wrong we do against man, whether it be to gossip, lie, cheat, curse or have bad thoughts about someone, we are not just sinning against that person but we are more so sinning against God. And the reverse is true as well, when we bless man by our word and deeds we bless God and give Him glory, because it is only through God that we can bless others purely and unselfishly, It's our choice how we treat man, we just need to remember we are treating God in like manner.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Promise 89 Gen. 39:5
Gen. 39:5 - "It came about that from the time he made him overseer in his house and over all that he owned, the Lord blessed the Egyptian's house on account of Joseph; thus the Lord's blessing was upon all that he owned, in the house and in the field." When the Lord is in us, we are blessed and we carry that blessing everywhere we go. When we reflect Christ, people see Him in us and are drawn to Him. So go and carry that blessing today and watch how He is blessing your work, home and travels!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Promise 88 Gen. 39:3
Gen. 39:3 - Now his master saw that the Lord was with him and how the Lord caused all that he did to prosper in his hand." I love this! Joseph's Egyptian master SAW that the Lord was with Joseph. What frame of reference did the master have to know that it was "The Lord" that caused Joseph's success? Joseph must've given God the glory openly each time God gave him wisdom and he saw his tasks and activities prosper. This is how the Egyptian knew it was the Lord, and not just thinking Joseph was a brilliant lad. Here is the promise: When we give God the glory due His name, other's lives will be touched. Eyes will be opened to see the Lord in you. Proclaim His name today?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Promise 87 Gen. 39:2
Gen. 29:2 - "The Lord was with Joseph, so he became a successful man. And he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian." I wonder at what point in Joseph's journey did he know that God was with him? Did God show up while he was in the pit and tell him that everything would be ok? Maybe it was along the road to Egypt as he was tied up and dragged behind the camel caravan? Was it when he was on the slave platform being auctioned off to the highest bidder? At what point did he know? The scripture says that "The Lord was with Joseph" so WE know that He was, but at what point did Joseph know? God had given Joseph a couple of dreams, he was given a heads-up of what was to take place in the future. So did Joseph brush those dreams off during his lowest point or did he find strength in them as his hope for the future and that's how he knew that God was with him? God tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. We are told many times that our God is with us. We need to write that down, so that during times when it seems as though He isn't with us we can look back at His promise and say, "Oh yes Lord, even though I didn't feel your presence I KNOW you are with me because you had told me and promised me You would be." Remember this promise!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Promise 86 Gen. 38:10
Gen. 38:10 - "But what he (Onan) did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord; so He took his life also." I'm not sure what was worse what Onan did, to rebel against what his father asked him to do or to waste the seed that would give life. I think both are equally bad. Onan dishonored both his earthly father and his heavenly one. It's God's choice whether to give life or take it. Onan purposefully denied Tamar children because he was selfish, this also hindered God's promise to Jacob that his descendants would be many. Anytime we knowingly fight against what God has promised and go against His plan there are consequences. God is not One you want to mess with and knowingly make mad. Onan withheld life and so did God by taking his.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Promise 85 Gen. 38:7
Gen. 38:7 "But Er, Judah's first born, was evil in the sight of the Lord, so the Lord took his life." This isn't the first time we read of people being"evil" in the sight of God and then death followed. Remember the flood? Sodom and Gomorah? Generational seeds of badness have been planted among Israel's kids, the very fact that his sons had considered killing their own brother was a big indication. Even though Judah thought to spare his brother from death, it was still his idea to sell Joseph off as a slave. Even though God had a plan for that, Judah still carried out the action that brought pain to his father which resulted in years of sorrow as Israel mourned. But God's plan was not for Er, Judah's eldest to do wrong. The word doesn't specify what he did, but he was "evil" in God's sight and therefore killed him. Does it go back to the blessing over Jacob that God would be with him? It's God's choice to give and to take them away too. God promised that Jacob would multiply into a great nation, yet His intent isn't to raise up a great nation of evil men, so He wont allow it. All those living outside of the covenant with God will not be able to inherit fruits of the covenant. God still wants to bless Israel, having evil grandchildren will not be a blessing, so God protects the blessing. He will protect the blessings He has given to us as well.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Promise 84 Gen. 36:24
Gen. 36:24 - "These are the sons of Zibeon: Aiah and Anah - he is the Anah who found the hot springs in the wilderness when he was pasturing the donkeys of his father Zibeon." This is another one of those random verses that stick out from the norm within its context. Here the list of the descendants of Esau, now Edom, is being read out, or stated, then suddenly Anah is mentioned as the one who found the hot springs, in the wilderness. There wasn't a mention of "and God appeared" or an angel of the Lord showing up, but "he is the Anah who found the hot springs.", as if we were all supposed to know the place and say "awe, yeah, that guy!" Finding those springs must've been important. The Springs must've been significant to get special recognition, or is it that "Anah" is a common name like "John" and the Lord wanted him to be identified for which Anah it is? Regardless, whatever we do does not go unnoticed by the Lord. He notices our achievements and those things we are associated with. He wants us to know that He is right there with us in the mundane hour too, whether that be while pasturing our Father's donkeys or inputting numerical data into a computer, He is with you and with me, nothing goes unnoticed because He cares, He watches us and loves us. Thank you Lord!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Promise 83 Gen. 35:11
Gen. 35:11 - "God also said to him, I am God Almighty; Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall come from you, and kings shall come forth from you." God states to Jacob, now Israel, who He is; He says, "I am God Almighty" meaning, there is "no one or nothing greater than Me, nothing too powerful, no army stronger, no situation too complicated, I can make things happen." So when He tells Israel to go, be fruitful and multiply He isn't telling him to do it in his own strength. God is telling Jacob what He is going to do in him and through him. Because He is God - who makes things happen. What do you want multiplied in your life today? He is God Almighty, trust Him with your request and desire and even more radical, trust Him with your life and see what He multiplies in it that is beyond what you can ever hope or imagine.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Promise 82 Gen. 35:9
Gen. 35:9 - "Then God appeared to Jacob again when he came from Paddan-aram, and He blessed him." God loved Jacob, He pursued him. I'm glad that the scripture doesn't give the details of Jacob's daily spirituality. I love it that so many times it just says, "and the Lord appeared to him", because if there were more detail, then people may think that they need to copy Jacob, do what he does and that would be the key that unlocks God's appearance. Too many people already believe that there is some formula out there to earning God's affections, that is so wrong. God loves Jacob simply because, he is Jacob. Just like He loves you and me simply because of who we are. There are no formulas. Not only does He love us, He loves to bless us. He just showed up and blessed Jacob. He does that for us too. Thank you Lord!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Promise 81 Gen. 35:1,5
Gen. 35:1,5 - "Then God said to Jacob, 'Arise, go up to Bethel and live there....' As they journeyed, there was a great terror upon the cities which were around them, and they did not pursue the sons of Jacob." Once again we see where God "should have" or we would "think" it would be the character of God, let the natural consequences for bad behaviour happen (let Haman's people kill or attack Simeon and Levi for killing the men) but He doesn't. God shows up once again to Jacob and tells him to move his camp to Bethel and to stake that land for God by putting up an alter. After doing some house cleaning they took off. Now this is the fun part, as they were passing through the land, even though they were few in number, those all around them were terrified so they didn't pursue them. What is it that caused this terror? It doesn't say, but I would imagine that they saw a great army surrounding Jacob's lot. They were walking in the center of what God asked them to do therefore they were also walking under God's protection. God wont lead us into a snare, He is our protector. He also does not act as we believe He should, even though those men deserved death for killing so many people, God has his own plans for them.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Promise 80 Gen. 33:10
Gen. 33:10 - "Jacob said, 'No, please, if now I have found favour in your sight, then take my present from my hand, for I see your face as one sees the face of God and you have received me favourably." Jacob expected Esau to treat him unfavourably but the opposite was true, his brother hugged and kissed him in welcome. Esau demonstrated grace and love for his brother. Jacob knew that his brother was acting in this way only because God was working through Esau. God is a gracious, loving God. He also puts those qualities in us. They are in there to be used and to pour out onto others. Others will see God's face as well when we act out of His grace and love. Show someone the face of God today!
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