In Search of God's Promises

What is the one thing we do when we feel out of control in a situation? We grasp onto something stable, something we can lean on, something that will hold us up. When the ground is shifting we want something solid to stand on. This is a journey through the Bible in search of God's promises for us today. Let's look together to see how many "boulders" He has in His quarry for us to stand on! "It is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants." Rom. 9:8

Monday, October 18, 2010

Promise 87 Gen. 39:2

Gen. 29:2 - "The Lord was with Joseph, so he became a successful man. And he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian." I wonder at what point in Joseph's journey did he know that God was with him? Did God show up while he was in the pit and tell him that everything would be ok? Maybe it was along the road to Egypt as he was tied up and dragged behind the camel caravan? Was it when he was on the slave platform being auctioned off to the highest bidder? At what point did he know? The scripture says that "The Lord was with Joseph" so WE know that He was, but at what point did Joseph know? God had given Joseph a couple of dreams, he was given a heads-up of what was to take place in the future. So did Joseph brush those dreams off during his lowest point or did he find strength in them as his hope for the future and that's how he knew that God was with him? God tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. We are told many times that our God is with us. We need to write that down, so that during times when it seems as though He isn't with us we can look back at His promise and say, "Oh yes Lord, even though I didn't feel your presence I KNOW you are with me because you had told me and promised me You would be." Remember this promise!

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