In Search of God's Promises

What is the one thing we do when we feel out of control in a situation? We grasp onto something stable, something we can lean on, something that will hold us up. When the ground is shifting we want something solid to stand on. This is a journey through the Bible in search of God's promises for us today. Let's look together to see how many "boulders" He has in His quarry for us to stand on! "It is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants." Rom. 9:8

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Promise 19 from Deuteronomy 7:9

Deut. 7:9 - "'Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His loving kindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments.'"

Moses is giving the Israelites a pep-talk by speaking truth over them. Vs. 6, "For you are a holy people," "You are chosen by God to be His own possession," vs. 7. "The Lord loves you not because you are greater in number, but fewer," vs. 8. "Because of His love for you, He kept His promise and saved you with His mighty hand and redeemed you." So now the people know they are loved, chosen, Holy, His own possession, saved, and redeemed. Then He reminds them of who God is. vs. 9, "Your Lord is God." "He is faithful" "He keeps HIs promises," "His loving kindness never runs out for those who love Him."

In my growing up in conservative evangelical churches, I didn't experience the custom of speaking truth over people, especially in church. Maybe that is why so many people have identity issues. Because the truth that they are loved, chosen, saved, redeemed, beloved children of God wasn't spoken over them, they always either doubted these truths or simply didn't believe them. So because of not having a firm acceptance of identity as precious children of God, people live out of an orphan heart. Striving to earn favour in the eyes of man, possessive of their role and territory, jealous for things (even gifts) that others have. They lack confidence, get defensive and many live in a "whoa is me" mentality. Moses knew that in order for Israelites to step into their identity with, and grasp the authority given to them to defeat the armies of the promised land, they needed to have confidence in their own identity in God and who they are. When God's people begin to accept who they are and to step into their destiny as adopted children of the Almighty God, it frees them to turn their focus off themselves, their needs and wants, and onto what they can do for the Kingdom, motivated not by performance, but out of their own love for their Heavenly Father.

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