In Search of God's Promises

What is the one thing we do when we feel out of control in a situation? We grasp onto something stable, something we can lean on, something that will hold us up. When the ground is shifting we want something solid to stand on. This is a journey through the Bible in search of God's promises for us today. Let's look together to see how many "boulders" He has in His quarry for us to stand on! "It is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants." Rom. 9:8

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Promise 27 from Deuteronomy 8:5

Deut. 8:5 - "'Thus you are to know in your heart that the Lord your God was disciplining you just as a man disciplines his son.'"

Usually when we think of the loving heart of the Father, we think of Him through the person of Jesus, but here in the old testament, God the Creator is described as a Father who disciplines His children just as an earthly father would his son. God loves us too much to leave us just as we are, tl leave us in our folly. God does not discipline us out of the jealousy for Himself, nor out of the wrath and anger, but out of a spirit of love for His children. God wants us to get this, to understand this fully in our hearts. Moses didn't say 'Get this into your thick heads.', no, he said 'you are to know in your heart.' When information we receive stays in our brains, we can choose to draw from it or not, but when it is in our hearts, the knowledge forms who we are, it becomes a part of us, which naturally guides our actions and character. Therefore, know in your heart that God loves you enough to discipline you, for your safety and to build godly character in you.

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